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Refunds & Returns

We try our best to make sure all items make it to you safely, however if you receive any items that are damaged or faulty on arrival then we will issue a replacement product free of charge or offer a refund. Please contact us at before you return your order.


Standard Product Returns

If you are for any reason unhappy with your order, we are happy to refund or exchange any product returned within 14 days of purchase, if it is returned in its original state, unused, unopened and in original packaging. Please contact us at prior to returning your item to let us know to expect your return. Proof of purchase is required. Excludes subscriptions.


Assuming the item(s) are in good condition we will then process your refund. Refunds are made to your original payment method and depending on your payment issuers policies, there may be a couple of days’ delay in being credited. The cost of returning an order is to be covered by the customer and we recommend that you send your return via a tracked delivery service.


This returns policy applies to products bought directly from our website. If you have purchased products from a retailer or other online retailer then please contact them for their own returns and refund procedures.


Returns for Subscription Customers

With all subscription orders, due to the nature of the automatic shipping, we require a minimum of 3 business days notice prior to your next payment if you wish to cancel or amend your subscription. Once a subscription is triggered (and you receive an email confirming it is being shipped) it is sent for immediate dispatch. If your order has already shipped, we will not be able to issue a refund.


Please note that payment for 3 and 12 month subscriptions is taken upfront and subscriptions are shipped quarterly.

If you want to contact us directly, please fill out the form below (we read every message!)